On my last full day in Switzerland I was then off to take the Jungfraubahn up to the Jungfraujoch, well you actually take three trains in total changing twice before after 2 ½ hours you actually get there eventually.
I was so not sure whether I would go up there with the weather not being too great in last two days but it improved in the morning so I decided to go.
It was still partly cloudy so we did not have the most perfect view and weather got slightly worse again at least up in the mountains and improving in the valley that when I was to leave the view was worse but it definitely was a trip of a lifetime up there – even if it is even more commercialised than the Glacier Express with around 750,000 people expected to go up there this year – and plenty of Japanese people proved again they really do not know how to behave being rude and pushy wherever they were.