Sonntag, 8. Januar 2017

South Africa Roundtrip - Day 13 - Journey to Knysna

Day 13 was a day I had really looked forward to as we were to go to the Storms River Mouth/Gorge walking e.g. over the suspension bridge there but after a fire the day before at the restaurant the area was partly closed (at least when we got there, reopened in afternoon but too late for us to return.... :-( ) so the day had to be reorganised. 
Not a happy bunny especially as it meant with a few people from our group wanting to go on whale spotting cruise wasting two hours in Plettenberg Bay on nothing compared to the original plan them being left in Plettenberg Bay and the rest already going to Knysna. 

Oh well, suppose you cannot have it all... 

Well after the late arrival in Storms River Village we finally could see what a beautiful place we were at the next (bright) morning. The hotel is so lovely, so was the village. 
The bit we could see at the Storms River Mouth was also stunning. I am always impressed of what nature can create. I could have spent hours there just watching the water, the waves, the cliffs.... ! 

After that we had a brief stop at Face Adrenalin Face at Bloukrans River Bridge, Africa’s highest bridge, and apparently the highest bungee from a bridge in the world, before off to Plettenberg Bay.
Plettenberg Bay is a beautiful beach but rather short and when you do not sunbath there is simply not much to do.
And I simply do not spend hours sitting in cafes to see and (want to) be seen (as some in my group) when I want to experience things!
It felt like such a waste of time and that just for some people wanting to go on a whale watch tour when all they saw was tiny bits of one (really do not get the point of it - I can see more when going to Helgoland by catamaran). Well each to their own what they do but since it was at everyone else's expense...

We were then off to the Garden of Eden, where there is an easy, wheelchair-friendly wooden trail through the Yellowwood forest. Lovely place, nothing spectacular, but still a nice walk seeing incredible trees, interesting other plants and the odd animal on this short walk.

Off to Knysna then but before going to our hotel most of us did another walk to the East Head View Point via the Eastern Knysna Head View point. What a nice walk and so worth the amazing view we had there!

Our hotel was the Protea Hotel Knysna Quays, decent hotel with a view over the waterfront with all its yachts and other boats.
Dinner was at a restaurant at the waterfront just a few metres away from the hotel. Average food, very noisy place but the view over the bay was lovely especially with the sunset.